A brief summary of the owners and uses of the "Luno" buildings on Lougheed Highway. Still looking for pictures of "Jean's Cafe" or the "Hoofbeat Coral.
Corrections or additions are always welcome
- 1926 Marshall J, Luno, confectionary and service station on River Road
- 1930 Buildings moved to Lougheed Highway
- 1939 Marshall Luno died.
- 1940 – 1943 Edith Luno. M.J. Luno’s widow continued with the confectionary only.
- 1944 Hughes Confectionary
- 1945 Herbert Hughes General Store
- 1946 Store bought by Alton and Louse Canfield née Barager
- 1951 Sold to E.B. McLean
- 1953 Bought back by Louise (now married to William Gullason)
- 1956 Old store demolished and new store built; the little shop at the corner of Lougheed and Wharf road was rented to Luno Jr. for his radio repair work
- 1961 Store sold to Ed and Elizabeth Clarke.
- 1963 Store sold back to William and Louise (Gullasson).
- 1967 Store sold to Alf and Muriel Crosby: “Jean’s Cafe”
- ???? Sold to Bruce Elder who named it " Hoofbeat Corral”.